Bharat Stage – Similar to Euro norms

Bharat stage is very similar to that of the euro norms followed in Europe. India started making norms for emissions in 1991 and as days passes by, this norms are becoming more strict. Transportation industry is the second most non-green industry in the world and road vehicles are one of the reasons for it. Internal … Read more

Flash and Fire points – What is it?

Flash and fire points denote the temperatures at which a combustible substance gives sparks and fires respectively when ignited. They play a major role in the transportation of these fuels. Safety is the most important term in every industry. An unsafe product or service affects not only the society but also it’s a shame to … Read more

Regenerative braking – How does it work?

Regenerative braking is the process where energy lost while braking the vehicle is collected using motors. It is a must feature in electric vehicles and seen in many hybrid and internal combustion engine powered vehicles as well. Wanted to improve the efficiency of your hybrid? Or extend the range of your EV? Regenerative braking helps … Read more

Engine Braking – Explained

Engine braking helps in slowing the vehicle due to pumping losses in diesel and due to pumping vacuum in gasoline engine. This mainly helps the drivers whilst driving in the hilly sections. There are several things in car which we make use of every time we sit behind the wheel but are unaware of them. … Read more

Tesla of India – Who is it?

Tesla has paved a path for the future of transportation. For India, there are a bunch of companies who play a huge role in electrifying the Indian roads and two of such companies are discussed below. Effect of internal combustion engine vehicles: Global warming, increase in earth’s temperature, pollution such words are very popular these … Read more