6 Types Of Lithium-Ion Batteries That Can Fit Your Need

Types of Lithium-ion batteries cover

I can confidently say that the usage of various types of lithium-ion batteries has created a huge impact on our daily life. The first thing that would strike me when I think about anything that is wireless and requires electrical energy is batteries. Specifically lithium-ion batteries. In recent times, Lithium-based batteries had found their way … Read more

Flexi Fuel Vehicles – Can Ethanol Save Internal Combustion Engines?

Flexi fuel vehicles may be unfamiliar to many of us but are very popular in American countries. As the name suggests, Flexi fuel vehicles can run on different fuels. Ethanol is one such alternative fuel that is present in many starch-based crops. Since we get it from plants, we call it biofuels. Not just Ethanol, … Read more

Scrappage Policy 2021 – Does It Really make sense?

Car Dump yard

We have spoken a lot about climate change, the Paris agreement, etc and things are getting worse. The biggest iceberg in the world just broke in Antarctica. News like this is becoming more common and concerning these days. To tackle this situation, the government of India has made some initiatives like BS 6. The scrappage … Read more

Impact of COVID-19 in the automotive industry – A recap

Corona Virus

COVID-19 has caused a lot of troubles to the automotive industry. It still is creating a fuss in India and almost every industry has taken a big hit except healthcare. Thanks to work from home, the IT sector is doing comparably well. Now, this does not mean that these sectors do not have any issues. … Read more

Why Atkinson cycle petrol engines are fuel efficient?

toyota tacoma

Atkinson petrol engines save more fuel If you are looking for a new car/bike, you will probably have a huge checklist to select the right car. The most important and common attribute would be fuel efficiency. This is more popular in India. The popularity of the phrase ‘Kitna deti hai’ proves it. Therefore, companies are … Read more

Why the concept of solar cars isn’t taking off?


If you had watched the movie ‘Honey I blew up the kid’, you would have seen this. This is the image of a solar-powered GMC Safari van which Rick Moranis uses in the movie. But why is that no manufacturers install a solar panel in their EVs? Many of us have this question because it … Read more